Product Detail
Domestic Products

- Mode of Action: Define how the product actually affects the fungus Separate from fungicide mobility - how the fungicide moves in plants.
- Difenoconazole: Demethylation inhibitor (DMI) or FRAC 3 Compounds - inhibits a specific enzyme in fungi that is important in sterol production.
- » Sterols are necessary in fungal cell membranes
- » Lack of Sterols result in abnormal fungal growth
- Trifloxystrobin: Quinone outside inhibitors (Qol) or FRAC 11 (Strobilurins) - inhibit mitochondrial respiration, stopping energy production, and resulting in fungal death.
- » Effective on germinating spores and early fungal growth only
- Sulfur: It is acts as a catalyst and increases the efficacy of active ingredients by 3 times.
- » Recommendation
Crop(S) Common Name of Diseases Dosage/HA: a.i(gms) Formulation(g) Dilution in water(Litre) Tomato Early blight $ Late blight 45+56.25+13.5 450 ml 500 ml -
Method of Use »
- Measure out required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water as specified of water through agitation. 2. Fill the diluted fungicidal solution into sprayer and apply immediately uniformly on the crop foliage for best performance.
Tricolor - USP >>
- A new approach & logical combination of Trifloxystrobin & Difenoconazole makes it a broad-spectrum fungicide with Prophylactic, Curative & Eradicative action
- Triple action protectant fungicide for quality & abundant yield
- Excellent resistance management tool
- Healthier, abundant produce- make the most of your acre