Product Detail


  • Technical Name: Topramezone 336 g/l (w/v) SC
  • Mode of Action: It is a selective post-emergence herbicide recommended for the control of grasses and broad leaved weeds in Maize
  • Major Crops: Maize Crops
  • Target Weeds: Elusine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium aegyptium,Echinocloa sppChloris barbata Parthenium hysterophorus, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima, Alternanthera sessilis, Convolvulus arvensis, Celotia argentia
  • Dose/Acre: 25.2 to 33.6 g a.i/ha + MSO adjuvant @2 ml/l of water
  • Presentation Available: 15ml + 150ml Adjuvant, 30ml + 300ml Adjuvant & 75ml + 750ml Adjuvant

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